This is how I see everything. Through The Veil of Evil.
5 minute writing
He sat in his cellar at the typewriter, afraid to stay any longer, but far more afraid of leaving. He had brought this to the world and it was his job to document it for everyone’s sake. A roar shook the foundations of his house and a sulfurous stench escaped beneath the rowan door at the far end of the room. He shuddered. It couldn’t be long now. He typed rapidly, and his fingers caused a constant clicking that became the background to the piercing screeches that echoed about the room. He glanced up and involuntarily flinched as yet another shielding sigil on the door flickered and failed. Merely one remained. One spot of magick against an onrushing wave of Darkness. He gulped, and turned back to his work. As he wrote he murmured prayers to the gods, whom he had blasphemed with his works. He knew it was too late for the world. But perhaps his soul could be redeemed. He lost sight of the keys as the light of the final sigil dimmed and died. The pounding that had echoed for the past seven hours and six minutes had ended. Now darkness streamed through the closed door. Its chill reached him before it had crossed half the room. He was far too terrified to move. He opened his mouth to scream, but the Darkness reached him and began to pour inside. He gagged and choked as it streamed into his lungs and stomach. He tried time and again to scream as it burst through his ears into his skull. He fell to the ground writhing as the evil within him began to absorb all his liquids. It poured out of him and ventured upwards to the rest of the unsuspecting earth. In the cellar a withered husk lay on the ground, its skin stretched tight over its bones, mouth forever opened in a silent scream.