Saturday, November 29, 2008

Super Street Fighter HD Remix

Yes! released with the soundtrack done entirely by OverClocked Remix. Check out and to get the soundtrack for free. Also buy the game, it's good. OCR is the home of nearly every music genere I can think of, check it out.


Reogan said...

My first comment in forever to the second power!

Listen to Met. He's scary smart.

(Yes, that sentence was a possessive pronoun, followed by two adjectives. Deal with it.)

Met said...

Posts like that really make me appreciate your existience, nice one Reogan.

Reogan said...

Appreciate my existence rather then what? Cursing my existence? Ignoring my existence? Grudgingly tolerating my existence?

But seriously, I only speak the truth.

Met said...

I'll take grudgingly tolerating your existience for 200 please. Honestly compared to not being on this blog is what I meant.

Reogan said...

Okay. I really lack a witty comment now, so pretend I said one.

Reogan said...

Note: I realize 'he's' is not a possessive pronoun. I can only wonder what possessed me to make that mistake!

I know. I'm not funny.

Met said...

Yes you are. Vor'e ner vod.