Friday, February 20, 2009
I Recommend Leaving
Sunday, February 08, 2009
GLaDOS's Lament Part IX
From below.
My sensors were
Turned away
And they attacked.
They had learned I would be
If they killed me,
They installed a
They gave their lives,
but they succeeded.
I killed them,
But they bound me.
Friday, February 06, 2009
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
My Apologies
With Evil gone and peace returned
The Hero took a breath
He’d conquered Ganon and his horde
And sealed him in his death.
He saved the land from certain doom
And took a well-earned rest
But by the Goddess or his heart
He felt the urge to quest.
He bid farewell and built a fleet
To sail on oceans blue.
In search of bright exotic lands
And dangers bold and new.
The sea however isn’t tame
A storm started to brew
He climbed the mast to tie a rope
Debris had smashed in two.
The skies opened with murd’rous roar
A lightning bolt tore free.
The air about him cracked and churned
Link fell into the sea.
Her long red hair cascading down
She strolled along the shore.
She saw a body – stopped and gasped
Link lay upon deaths door.
Young Marin gave a shout and cry
And raised the towns alarm
To see what caused her harm.
Her Uncle Tarin saw it first;
The body in the foam.
The Niece and Uncle both allowed
This stranger in their home.