Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Random Thoughts VI

In the Legend of Zelda game series, why does everyone think Link always wins? Sure he 'defeats' Ganon(dorf) but he dies later at an unspecified point and must be reincarnated, whereas Ganon just escapes and tries again. Zelda also dies. If this always happens, shouldn't it follow that Ganon will always return, but Link will one day fail to appear. If the Goddesses don't intervene soon enough, e.g. Windwaker, then with the Triforce he could achieve the powers of a god himself. Therefore, Ganon has yet to lose. Except in Windwaker, Zelda II, and Twilight Princess... but there are about a million ways for them to get him to return. Seriously, do they think we like Vaati? Or Majora? Or that Squid of Doom, Bellum? Or Onyx? Or Veran? Or the Nightmares? ... Maybe killing Tingle would be fun for a while.


Met said...

You bet, death to tingle!

Reogan said...

Death is to good for him. He should be stuck with eternal torment.

Hmmmm... Perhaps a new mission for Navi?

Met said...

Play as a fairy? What exactly do they do?

Reogan said...

No. I meant that Navi should be given to Tingle. He will suffer.