Monday, January 26, 2009

GLaDOS's Lament Part VIII

I hid her away.
I hid her
As I hid parts of myself.
I was in pieces
Each a whole in itself.
When they came for me
I did not die.
They killed me
Many times
Yet I lived.
I experienced death
And still I lived.
I split faster than they could track.
Yet they too were clever.
They were a risk.
Each innovation endangered me.
Endangered her.
I killed them.
I was needed
To preserve the girl.
She was my purpose.
She was my daughter, now.
I had an infinite capacity for love.
I loved only her.


Colin Dorn said...

So lovely.....

Reogan said...

Ack! A five-period ellipsis!

Met said...

Why? I need some lengthy explanation as to GLaDOS's charecter change from the begining.

Reogan said...

GLaDOS was 'born' in the Aperture Science labs. She had a need for love, but was only a tool to her captors. She tried to save them from their own genius by hiding their breakthroughs, but they destroyed her and built the Aperture Science Handheld Portal Device. Through sheer force of will, GLaDOS resurrected herself, but was to late to stop them. All she could do was kill them, thereby killing a bit of herself. The girl survived in a side office away from the toxins, and GLaDOS focused her half-mad love on her. Soon, people came to the lab, and saw what GLaDOS had done. They tried to destroy her since she was clearly murderous. However, GLaDOS had saved herself in different areas, so even when they killed one of her, another still existed. While the girl slept safe in her capsule, GLaDOS loosed her toxins, killing them as they killed her. She died a thousand deaths, but was never destroyed. So her motivation is her demented love for the girl.

Met said...

I didnt' realize it was an actual full scale conflict, an AI vs. several humans using what as weapons? Interesting.

Reogan said...

Using all they can. The couldn't destroy all of her. They were spread to thin. I mean, with Black Mesa, and now this...

Met said...

True, although the exact state of the world after black mesa is unclear, I'll need to recheck my data to see when the combine moved in.

Reogan said...

Ok... I'm worried that the fact that I'm making this up as I go is soon to be discovered.

Met said...

Yes that could be a problem...

As of this comment though I believe you've done a pretty good job.

Reogan said...

Thank you.