Friday, July 16, 2010


The letter slid easily from the envelope. It was one sheet, single-spaced, of writing. Attached to it was a small note card. Assuming it to be explanatory, I read that first.
Enclosed you will find the final chapter of Ryan.
I tossed the card aside and began to read.

I stalked through the halls of the school, slamming all the light switches down. The foolish girl had left them all on again. This wasn't earth. There was no telling how much power was left. We couldn't afford to waste it. Though, I thought guiltily, You don't seem to have a problem leaving your computer on. I pushed the thought aside. I needed to write. These lights weren't helping anybody, though.
The girl was sitting in a well-lit classroom. She knew I was angry by my face, and she cowered as I approached.
"You left every light in the building on! We won't have electricity forever; we have to save it. This is the moon! We don't have anyone to manage the power plants. And no one else is coming because they're dead. Do you understand that much? They're all dead!"
Strangely, she smiled at me, and beckoned me follow her from the room. Walking into a dark classroom opposite, I gasped. People. Somehow, one last ship must have arrived.
We were no longer alone.


Anonymous said...

Reogan said...
Return soon, and comment on everything. I mean that quite literally. Everything.

I have returned for a little while, and so because of that I'll do what you said and comment. And by the way, you had an error in your post. "And no one else is coming because there dead. Do you understand that much? They're all dead!" It's they're, not there.

Elphaba said...

This is rather interesting. I wasn't even the author of Ryan.

Reogan said...

Apparently you are. I expect you to start paying rent for the room in my subconscious.

Elphaba said...

How much is the rent?

Reogan said...

3 souls per day.

Elphaba said...


Reogan said...

Then I must evict you.

Elphaba said...

I'm not exactly bothered by that. Your subconscious is a scary place to be.

Reogan said...

It is. It is. I catch terrifying glimpses in dreams.

Anonymous said...

Whoa whoa whoa. Three souls? I really don't think I could pay that each day...wait, what am I doing in a room in your subconscious?

Reogan said...

You tell me.

Anonymous said...

Woops, my apologies. I didn't see Elphaba's comment after my first one, so for a second I thought you were referring to me...never mind.