For those of you who don't know, American Idol started yesterday. This show has had amazing ratings since it began, and is as important to many as the football game is. Even those who don't watch it are affected by it, whether it be at home, or work. I don't want to know if you like it or not, I want to know what you think of it, e.g. not I heart idol!!!!!!!! but more like, That show is a great opportunity for many to achieve success
I love American Idol. It's one of the best shows. I like it when someone is wierd and tries to sing. I like the guy last night. He was awesome. I like the guy who likes politics. He was a pretty good singer. He might be president someday.
It's a waste of time.
Guin, might I say that your comments are enjoyably vague. Met... kindness is an benifit. +)
Yeah...I know. I said AN benifit. Deal with it.
I'm dealing with it.
Well that's an good thing!
And now, six months later I look back and see I couldn't spell benefit either. I feel so mediocre.
You told me you don't watch TV at all Reogan?
I posted this so long ago the Large Hadron Collider was still incomplete. I've changed since then.
I can tell... sort of.
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