Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Random Thoughts IV

Why do they make colored pencil erasers? It doesn't make sense. Everyone knows that they don't erase well (usually) and it's probably more expensive to make.


Met said...

They do! I have some that work with excellent efficiency, however I can't remember the price.

Unknown said...

I think colored pencil erasers is a stupid idea. Only good artists (like myself) should use them. Color inside the lines or don't color at all!

Reogan said...

Color in the lines? That's what ReQuerez said.

Never heard of him.

Heard of Picasso? He colored out of the lines.

You don't get famous for being normal. I'm half mad, and I have a popular blog!

Unknown said...

I want my blog to be popular!

Reogan said...

Go mad. It works.

Met said...

Your blog is not popular, no offence, neither is mine.

Met said...

I'm talking on a larger scale, I don't even want to plug in the equation of 5 people commenly visiting a blog site out of the 7+ billion people in the world

Unknown said...

I still want my blog to be popular!

Reogan said...

Yeah, well at least you don't have to spend a few hours a week supporting the blog! >=(

Unknown said...


Reogan said...

See The Return of Reogan for my thoughts on the importance of that language.

Unknown said...

already did

Met said...

"Met, As far as I know, everyone who's seen the sight has blogged repeatedly. That's a 100% success raTE."

Right you are ner vod. I see this now more then ever.

Reogan said...

As I see my past grammatical transgressions in horribly sharp relief.