Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Random Thoughts I

Why do most people need two or more blogs. You can just use labels to organize it. It only makes sense if you have public and private blogs, or if you have one for work, and one for friends or family. Don't you agree?

Edit on December 23rd, 2009: Yet now I have two blogs. I suppose a valid reason is to avoid clutter by removing things that aren't suited to a particular blog.


Met said...

yes I do agree

Reogan said...

I can understand certain scenarios, but sometimes they really go overboard.

Elphaba said...

Hehehe... now you have three blogs, plus that fourth one that no one can see yet. :P

Reogan said...

Actually, one can find twelve blogs on my dashboard, eight of which are now defunct.

Elphaba said...

Wow... Way to defy your own idea. :P But that's still cool. Yay, blogging!

Reogan said...

I defy many things. Ideas, gravity, and sense.

Elphaba said...

So, so true. But Elphaba defies gravity better.

Reogan said...

As she does the law.

ADMIN NOTE: This topic is closed. I refuse to allow such arguments here.

Elphaba said...

What argument? I was going to agree.

Reogan said...

That's discussion! Continue this and you will be permabanned.

Met said...


Reogan said...

Not really. I'm quite rude, I'd say.