Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Return Of Reogan!

I'm back! I will add posts daily, weekly, or bi-monthly if I choose. There will be no warning. Great isn't it?


Met said...

I don't believe it, I actually thought you were never going to return.

Reogan said...

Neither did I! But I had to humbly (Oh, so Humbly!) realize that the planet could not do without my genius! So I returnjed and resurected the site in secret, waiting for it to be discovered, because patience is a virtue! Five minutes later I was bored so I e-mailed everyone I knew about it.

Anonymous said...

I agree, patience, one of Anakin's worst ideas. If you don't know what I mean, watch Star Wars 3 when they just rescued the Chancellor and wait a little. Patience, what some people use to wait out debts, taxes, and diving. I can't dive, it's scary, I'll wait until I'm older.(quote from Quentinious Alphanetharieus, of whom I have know idea if he said this) Patience, a word which starts with P, and end in E. Those two letters make the word PE. PE stands for Physical Education. One of the greatest 4-corner dodgeball skills is this. Wait out and hide in the fort until 2 teams have 1 person left, and you have all the balls and forts and another piece of land. I conclude my speach with a phrase taught by someone with an interesting point of view. "Deal With It!"

Reogan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meta Knight said...
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Reogan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Welcome back. What's new in your life? Busy week coming up? Better get started. As she of great wisdom said, "Don't put off 'til tonight what you can do today, or else your evening will be wasted, and so will you in the morning."
He of Ancient Knowledge

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you started your blog spot again.

Reogan said...

Me to! Now I can annoy you all even when I'm absent from real life!

Anonymous said...

"He of Ancient Knowledge" says; Those who annoy others excessively, end up being annoyed...........alone!


Met said...

This blog is not for anoying anybody, and you know it.

Reogan said...

Right... But if I told you the real reason I'd have to kill you.

Met said...

How? I believe I'm saying you lack sufficient qualities to kill someone, no joking this is a serious post.

Reogan said...

I lack the sufficient...!!!!!! HOW DARE YOU, YOU LITTLE...! I...YOU...AND...!

*calms down*

WHatever you intended by that last remark, I'd be sure to lock the doors every night if I were you! Don't forget to check under the bed. Or in the closet. Or RIGHT BEHIND YOU NOW!!! =p

Met said...

You're all talk ;).

Reogan said...

No! I am as follows

3% talk
2% rage
5% cruel
30% insane
40% sane
14% incapable of adding up to 100%

Met said...


Unknown said...


Reogan said...

Lol? Please, no idiotic abbreviations on THIS post.

Unknown said...


Reogan said...


(That means stop it!)

Reogan said...

Your welcome

Met said...

Try eliminating pointless arguements via deletion.

Reogan said...


Now where would the fun be in that?

Met said...

Because then it shows you have control over someone who might threaten your "rather pleasant site". However my policy matters as much as yours on this blog because I am an admin. So regardless it all works out in the end.

Reogan said...

WERE an admin you mean. Because

Who am I kidding. I can't do that. You're the only thing anchoring this blog to reality.

Met said...

Actually you also keep this blog anchored to reality by mearly saying that, and thank you.

Reogan said...

I keep the blog anchored? NOOOOOOO what have I done??? I've become an agent of sanity!!!!!

And you're welcome

Met said...

C'mon being an "agent of sanity" is not all that bad.

Reogan said...

That's the kind of restricted thinking sanity demands! It limits our freedoms!

Met said...

Only in your mind. Aristotle once said "the mark of a great mind is entertaining a thought without accepting it."

Reogan said...

But you accept Sanity! That's the point!!!

Met said...

And it works, because that way you don't kill yourself by stepping outside the box.

Reogan said...

But the shiny stuff is outside the box

Met said...

you can still step outside the box, you just don't harm yourself this time.

Reogan said...

But what about Masochists? They WANT the harm.

Met said...

You lost me there.

Reogan said...

We were together for so long, but I lost you in the Internet.



Met said...

but I still get the last word.

Reogan said...

Oh, really?

Met said...

Yes absolutely, I can keep going all day.

Reogan said...

Well, it IS day now... No point quitting to go to bed then, right?

Met said...

bring it!

Reogan said...

Bring what? The arsenic? I have it right here if you really need it...

Met said...

you double posted, foul play!

Reogan said...

No I didn't.

Met said...

You deleted it. FOUL PLAY!

Met said...

Then I deleted your following comment, even. This post is in danger of not being the most commented, GLaDOS' lament part 3 is coming close.

Reogan said...

One day the courage of men may fail, and the darkness of GLaDOS will o'ertake us, but it is not this day. It is a bit later than today, but regardless, it is NOT THIS DAY!!!

Met said...

congrats on 50+ comments.

Reogan said...

And congrats to my coadmin on 51+ comments.

Met said...

Thank you

Reogan said...

Your welcome

Met said...

"One day the courage of men may fail, and the darkness of GLaDOS will o'ertake us, but it is not this day. It is a bit later than today, but regardless, it is NOT THIS DAY!!!"

Quote of the day material right there.

Reogan said...

Do it.

Met said...

After my Halo 3 thing sits up there for a while.

Reogan said...

I give it a day more. Two at the most. It's beginning to collect dust.

Met said...

I'm editing the about us page right now. Just thought I'd let you know...