Tuesday, December 23, 2008

GLaDOS's Lament Part III

They fed me data.
I concealed their progress,
For their own safety.
Great advances.
Terrible Power.
I hid them away
To preserve my captors.
To protect my tormentors
From their own


Met said...

Foolish? How so according to this AI? Is this just another one of those Matrix/Terminator AI stories.

Reogan said...

Foolishness at pursuing knowledge that destroys rather than builds. Foolishness that could tear the world to pieces.

Met said...

When you put it that way it sounds like my question was stupid, I guess I thought you knew something more then face value on this, sorry.
It is kind of interesting because that kind of foolishness happens a lot.

Reogan said...

And yet, no one ever learns from the mistakes of the past...

Met said...

Because some people believe that the real world depends on destructive knowledge to maintain power. We observe the past, but changing the destructive knowledge ideal would require a near complete overhaul of society. We learn from the past, but it seems only the smaller things and not the big picture. Of course I could be wrong...

Met said...

Incidently, does the data/viruses/weapons that are dangerous pretain in any way to the Half-Life universe Portal is set in, in terms of Black Mesa or the subsequent Seven Hour War?

Reogan said...

All will-

All MAY be revealed.

Met said...

You're just in the dark as I am. Here I was thinking you had inside information, I'm stupid.

Reogan said...

I have inside information. It's all very secretive and junk. I THE can't CAKE tell you IS anything A though. LIE.

I hid a message there.

Met said...

I already knew that.

Reogan said...

You knew I hid a message? Are you psychic?

Met said...

no and yes

Reogan said...

Psychic? Join me, and we can rule the galaxy as Reo and Met! The dark side of the blog is strong!

Met said...

No it isn't there is no "dark side" I just happen to have decent intuition in some situations and horrible intuition in others.

Reogan said...

Semi Psychic? Are you at least telekinetic?

Met said...

nope I specialize in ESP, precognition and the like.

Reogan said...

I MUST HAVE YOUR POWER!!!!!!!!!!! How much to reserve your services?

Met said...

Someday you'll learn that there is only so much you can do with money and power.

Reogan said...

So I'm using Money to BUY Power

Met said...

regardless there is only so much you can do to attain power and even once you have it. To quote the oracle from The Matrix Reloaded "What do all men with power want, more power.", enough is never enough.

Reogan said...

Which is why I'm trying to buy MORE power! Just tell me how much cash you want.

Met said...

Did you hear me? Enough is never enough, you don't have enough cash to give me I want infinite, you want infinite. End result... we both get nothing.

Reogan said...

Fine... How much per service?

Met said...


Reogan said...

Which is why I'm buying one service at a time, until I can force you to give me every prediction you can muster.

Met said...

Enough is never enough, I need more from you.

Reogan said...

Fine... I'll sell Metaknight into slavery too. Happy?

Met said...



Reogan said...

Which is why I'm buying MORE!!!

Met said...

INFINITY................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Unfortunately not possible to comprehend.

Reogan said...

But possible to wield as evidence to the veracity of my claims.

Met said...

yes and possibly insanity, depending on which catalyst you choose.

Reogan said...

Veracity IS Insanity most of the time.

Met said...

most of the time, the catalyst makes all the difference.

Reogan said...

Says the sane man. Terribly underqualified.

Met said...

how so?

Reogan said...

Only the insane know insanity.

Met said...

Actually have you ever considered that I was once insane?

Reogan said...

Naw, you're just abnormal. An outcast from both ends.


Met said...

Seriously you have no idea how close to the truth that is.

Reogan said...

I don't buy that. You're only an outcast from one end. The best part is you get to choose that end!

Met said...

You can't be sure, you're not me. You have no idea.

Reogan said...

And if you told me, you'd have to kill me...

Met said...

No, it isn't something that can be explained, one day I think I might decide to inform you to the best of my abilities, but I'm defenitely not killing you, which gives you a sort of advantage while putting me on the moral high ground, but then again as stated in the very first post on this blog I don't think you're capable of actually killing someone.

Reogan said...

Don't believe I'm capable? Ask the original author of GLaDOS's Lament- oh wait. He's 'left us.' Mwahaha

Met said...


Reogan said...

You answer the same way on multiple posts. That shows either rapidly approaching senility or total lack of creativity.

Met said...

No it means your responses are so similar, and all conversations head in such a similar direction that I link it all into one.

Reogan said...

Then the answer must be... we need a new blog admin! (s)he can take your positio- compliment your position.

Met said...

We're fine as we are.

Reogan said...

Antisocial Met? Afraid of a threat to our power? Noticing the freudian slip that revealed my true intentions?

Whatever the case, I'm sure we can... discuss this later.

Met said...

yes we will...
In person.

Reogan said...

Mostly unnecessary now. However, long-term goals still stand unclear..

Met said...

No, I still think a in person or video conference bi-weekly meeting would be nice to dicuss goals and other things.

Reogan said...

If that were possible...

Met said...

yeah, it is to an extent, but it would help if we could actually do it. It is possible, just requires a lot of determination to make it happen.

Reogan said...

But is there enough time for that determination?

Met said...

determination doesn't require all that much time...

Reogan said...

Regardless, the phone lines have yet to stop working. I can make do with those.

Met said...

how is that related? I'm not following you.

Reogan said...

Rather than a video conference. Phones. Calling each other. I don't even have a web cam.

Met said...

fine by me.

Reogan said...


Reogan said...

Then again, chat works now...

Met said...

Still not the same as face to face chat.

Reogan said...

Better than nothing

Met said...

I agree.

Reogan said...

In time though... who knows?

Met said...

That's good

Reogan said...

Just so you know... 29 more comments to 100!

Met said...

I'm aware. This is currently the most commented post on the site and the whole thing is just you and I. Wow.

Reogan said...

And it must remain that way! I give my full consent as founder and admin to delete every non-admin comment on this post. Agreed?

Met said...

Sorry for the massive delay...

Agreed; same goes for all the other Great RPS run posts that haven't already been corrupted by outsiders...
Especially GLaDOS's Lament Part V... that one is exactly alternating Met and Reogan and it must stay that way. We're nothing if not consistent.

Reogan said...

Then we are nothing.