Thursday, December 25, 2008

Here's an FYI

You're all gonna die screaming. (Jonathan Coulton. Re Your Brains)

Just wanted to point out that GLaDOS's Lament is now numbered in Roman Numerals so that our Roman audience can count them. That is all.


Met said...

Then what's the posting link for, this sounds like an announcement. I also would like to mention I like the roman nummerals better.

Reogan said...

So you're Roman? Hail Neptune and all that? I gotta warn you; your empire? It ain't gonna last to log.

Met said...

No, I just think they make the posts look more offcial.

Reogan said...

Official is good! Official means that there's someone you can bribe to reach a mutually beneficial government upheaval!

Met said...

Yes that is why you put the Roman Nummerals there in the first place.

Reogan said...

As long as you are the-

As long as Metaknight is the victim of the upheaval, I'm glad to have helped.

Met said...

So am I

Reogan said...

Ooooh! Time for a coup!

Met said...

which kind?

Reogan said...

The kind where we put his head on a stake, and leave it for the pigeons to defile!

Met said...

That's new, what happened to the French?

Reogan said...

The French? They can help too.

'Fire men! Crush them under you Croissants!!!'

Met said...

I'm not sure you know what I'm talking about.

Reogan said...

A coup d’état (pronounced /kuːdeɪˈtɑː/ AHD: [ko͞o"dā tä]), often simply called a coup, is the sudden unconstitutional overthrow of a government by a (typically small) part of the state establishment – usually the military – to replace the branch of the stricken government, either with another civil government or with a military government.

Met said...

yes that is what I was talking about, I was unsure when you mentioned croissants.

Reogan said...

You said French, I said Croissants. They go together like dictatorship and Reogan.

Met said...

Not really, you're stereotyping.

Reogan said...

Stereotypes make the world go round. And never forget that I'm allowed to since I descended from French Nobility.

Met said...

Yeah, right. People are going to see this post and think: how the heck did this get x number of comments?

Reogan said...

What? It's a work of genius. X is a very stingy number of comments for it.

Reogan said...


Met said...

You don't say.

Reogan said...

And what if I do?

Met said...

Then I still win.

Reogan said...

Reiterating lies will never get you anywhere (except in politics).

Met said...

That's completely unrelated. Why bring that up?

Reogan said...

You were reitirating your own lies. You said 'I win', thereby reitirating your own lie.

Met said...

I win is clearly not a lie coming from me. You continuly reiterate your lies by posting things like that.

Reogan said...

See? That is another reiteration of the lie you keep insisting is true!

I simply reiterate the truth.

I win = truth. Truth and beauty.

Met said...

If I lose, you lose. This will never end, I win, you win. No lies.

Reogan said...

Got it, no lies. Let me just practice my misleading insinuations...

Met said...

*sigh* there is a time and place to be serious.

Reogan said...

Luckily an announcement regarding Roman Numerals is not that place.

Reogan said...

And so the post is finished...

Met said...


Reogan said...

And the last word is mine!

Met said...

*sigh* here we go again.

Met said...

my computer can't keep up

Reogan said...

And I will use that advantage.

Met said...

I know, yet I still try, I am determined.

Reogan said...

So sad to defeat one so determined.

Met said...

I won't be defeated

Reogan said...

You shall!

Met said...

No, but the idea is to create a win win situation.

Reogan said...

And I get to win both times!

Met said...

No if I lose, you lose.

Reogan said...

Not if I Double-Win

Met said...

? how did this get 50 comments? ?Double win??? I'm confused on both issues.

Colin Dorn said...

How am I going to die screaming?

Reogan said...

Met- I double-win y getting both halves of a win-win situation.

Met said...

If you double win then I double win because of it.

Reogan said...

Ah, then I'll absolute value of negative triple win! Whatcha gonna do about that?

Colin Dorn said...

WOW, I just read this whole conversation and it is obvious that you were both on at the same time, so my question is, WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST USE THE PHONE OR SOMETHING!!!!

Reogan said...

There's just some sort of perverse pleasure to having a war on more fronts than either side can handle, and thereby fight the same battles with minute differences. Almost like parallel dimensions.

Met said...

Yeah, I don't think this'll ever really happen again with me. Those were the days...

Reogan said...

They were.