Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Color Green

"We're about to be overrun! We still have a chance if we band together."


"Or you could just let red win."



"You're an idiot, we could've had a chance at winning the game."

"I know."

"He just rolled over Asia Minor. Why didn't you stop him?"

"It would've given you a chance."

"Why does my chance matter!? Doesn't yours matter more?."



"I don't like the color green."

I'd like to credit inspiration to Reogan who found what really inspired this...


Reogan said...

Such are the joys of racism.

Elphaba said...

Nice, Reogan, real nice.

Qupar said...

haha, hardly a good game, welcome to my foe list, racism against green is spreading, my sister just proclaimed her hatred of green yesterday, and it used to be her favorite color

Reogan said...

You find a use for five commas and blatantly ignore capitalization and end punctuation?

Elphaba said...

I'm so confused. Even the hyperlink didn't help much.

Reogan said...

Did you click both?

Met said...

She can only access one unless she has an account on CC I'm pretty sure. Still I'd think she'd at least get it otherwise she wouldn't bother to comment the first time... oh wait, that was directed at Reogan. Thanks Elphaba...

Elphaba said...

Yup; first comment was directed at Reogan's racism comment, but the second one was just a comment in general.