Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Okay, so this is sort of a filler post, but it's also a general announcement. I was browsing the blog today and noticed that posts tagged Reogan are at exactly 300. I dunno what's so attractive about nice round numbers, but there it is for you. He still does a lot more work than everyone else as far as this site goes, although as of late he's really been able to ease back and still achieve goals. This is nice, because he's got better things to do believe it or not. Regardless, here's to Reogan. The next few posts coming up, if all goes according to plan (which it rarely does) will be the continuation of Song of the Day by Marim. I've written a new track since her last post so she'll have to add that in as well. I'l also update my prelude post with the description of the new track. I'll get to that later though, because Steam is having a holiday sale and I've got some video games to play. Anyway, enjoy your Christmas!



Anonymous said...

It's going to go according to plan. I have confidence that I will complete all of my posts on time.

Met said...

As long as your quality stays high...

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately my quality this week sucked.

Reogan said...

Never, ever say that, Marim. Yes, we all have ba streaks. We think. But you know what? Every time I look back at my writings, I find more good than bad. The only thing that we have to fear is what happened to me recently. Stopping. We can't stop. Stop and you lose. Keep going, and you'll never fail.

Met: you are far too kind. This past month or two (and to a lesser extent, half year), the blog has been held together entirely through the force of your will. You've earned your adminosity (new word) a thousand times more than I.