Monday, November 23, 2009

Met talking about... a musical? (Godspell)

Yes, that's right, I've finally lost it (not). I was thinking about posting and I want to find another good post of song of the week, but I was shuffling my iTunes library just recently and I happen to have the soundtrack to a certain musical... Godspell. Now granted I never saw the actual musical :( but it's something that I would like to do sometime. I have seen the movie though, and that's what I'm referring to here. I loved it; definitely something different, but it remains pretty true to the Bible. Oh yes, and for those of you who don't know, I am a Christian, and I'm proud of it. The music for this film was great, I thought all the songs were well done and the seemingly unorthodox interpretation of Jesus' time on earth worked very well. Overall I just want to comment on this, because it constantly amazes me how back before they could really produce modern music, they found ways to make amazing pieces. It's a movie/musical that's well worth checking out, and I don't go to every musical I hear about, that's for sure. Thanks for the inspiration Elphaba, it's a great movie.


Elphaba said...

YES!!!!! The converts to obsession over musical theater are created, one by one, until show tunes take over the ENTIRE--


I mean... um... heh... You're welcome, Met, it's always nice when someone appreciates show tunes. It makes me feel like less of an anomaly when it comes to people I know.

Reogan said...

Question! How do you react to Jesus Christ Superstar?

Met said...

Contemporary trash.

Godspell>Jesus Christ Superstar

Jesus Christ Superstar tried too hard to be "new school".

Elphaba said...

Of course, Wicked beats them all. :)

Met said...

I wouldn't know.

Reogan said...

Met: Jesus Christ Superstar is a rock opera. That's how they are intended to sound.

Elphaba: You misspelled Rent.

Elphaba said...

No, Reogan, you just misspelled Wicked.

Reogan said...

Wicked is not about Angel Dumott Schunard. Rent is. Therefore, Rent is greater.

Met said...

Then apparently rock operas aren't my thing.

Elphaba said...

Rent is not about Elphaba Thropp, G[a]linda Upland, or Fiyero Tigular. Wicked is. Therefore, Wicked is better.

Reogan said...

Met: My sympathies.

Elphaba: Angel. Dumott. Schunard.