Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sorry, but...

I'm not gonna be posting for awhile. I know I just started a seven-post series on the 7 Deadly Sins, but it's... a long story. It's just something I have to talk to Reogan about.

Speaking of which, if I suddenly disappear in an "accident" in the near future, start here. Reogan might kill me. Or not care. I really have no clue.


Reogan said...

It was either you or Met, but one of you believe I lack the capacity to kill, unless I recall incorrectly.

Elphaba said...

Actually, that was both of us, but Met said it first. However, you're the one who said that you have the capacity to arrange a murder. So I don't consider myself out of the woods yet. At all.

Reogan said...

Probably the best attitude...

Elphaba said...

I thought so.

Reogan said...

Oh my gods! It's all clear now. You work on a cycle, doing too much for a while, then doing too little. Why didn't I see it before?

Met said...

Isn't that how everyone works?

Elphaba said...

I try to tackle too many projects, and then realize that if I keep attempting to do them all well, I'll kill myself with the exhaustion. However, like childbirth, this revelation carries selective amnesia with it. After a while, I forget, and the process repeats.

Met said...

C'est la vie mon ami.

Reogan said...

Elphaba: So you too use the conception and birth analogy for stories. Awesome.

Met: Mon ami? Really?

Elphaba said...

Yeah, the birth analogy works well sometimes.

Reogan said...

Especially when one considers all the afterbirth that remains to be cleaned in a rough draft.

Met said...

"Met: Mon ami? Really?"

Is there a point you're trying to make here, Reogan?

Reogan said...

You said mon ami. Why say that?

Met said...

Because she's my friend...

Reogan said...

Which prompts mon ami from you? Unconventional. I approve.

Met said...

My mother used that phrase a lot.

Reogan said...
