Thursday, April 15, 2010

Halo: Sticky Grenade

His limbs sprawled,

His body flying,

Most of his team dead,

But he still didn't understand.

Where did that sticky come from?


Met said...

I know it's pretty lame to comment on your own post as the first comment, but I gotta say I loved writing this. I was listening to my friend go on the other day about some sort of glitch that occurred online Halo 3 where a sticky blew up right in the guys face a while after he threw it and I guess I decided to do a Thursday Thoughts on it. Halo gets some great online multiplayer action.

Reogan said...

You should get your own BTL.

Met said...

I barely have enough time to post on here and when I do I don't often feel the need to explain why I wrote what I wrote and what inspired it. If anything I'd use yours, but I doubt I'd post often if at all. I'm not making a blog just so it can sit there.

Reogan said...

Neither FWIC nor BTL have been updated for over a week. That's the beauty of it all. You needn't post regularly.

Met said...

I doubt I'd post at all.

Reogan said...

This post proves you would.

Met said...

I'd need more than one post to make it a true blog.

Reogan said...

It would come.

Met said...

In too long a time that it might not even be worth reading. I doubt it'd get much attention at all, unlike your BTL.

Reogan said...

I can assure you that there would be at least one visitor. Beyond that, only the gods can tell.

Met said...


You have me convinced, but not today. I need time to set this up and this is a busy week as you're well aware of. Perhaps in a month or two.

Reogan said...

You are the tectonic plates of the blog. You shift, but slowly.

Met said...

I'm not sure if that's a good thing or bad thing, but I appreciate your comment here that eventually led to you convincing me. What exactly do you mean by that other then the issue discussed here?

Reogan said...

What do you mean?

Met said...

"You are the tectonic plates of the blog. You shift, but slowly."

What do you mean by that other then my gradual change of heart shown under this post?

Reogan said...

You've been a standard, and you rarely change, but your changes are monumental, like the shutdown of your old blog.

Met said...

How was the shutdown of my old blog monumental? Speaking of which... should I grant Elphaba access to it so we can have more comment storms?

Reogan said...

You could, but I doubt I'd participate much. It's not really composed of... my sort of work.

Met said...

Do any of the comments end up being about the posts? I'd say more then 50% of the time, no.

Reogan said...
