Saturday, August 16, 2008

Remember Ocremix?

Met has been strangely quiet about it lately, and I usually don't post that kind of stuff. However, I've been drafted to assist in Ocremix's promotion for a new project. I have a link, but first a tale,

At first there was nothing. Darkness encapsulated the land like an illithid on a magicians brain. Then, from the darkness sprang the great Miyamoto! Out of the very darkness he crafted world after world of beauty and danger. He created the Princess. He gave her Mushrooms and Koopas to thrive upon and to serve them. He formed the good scientist Andross and creatures for him to care for. He took great care in crafting a race of Plant-like animals, and gave these 'Pikmin' as he called them domain over their realm. He even conjured the three Goddesses and had them make Hyrule and bestow upon it shards of the very power of Miyamoto himself. Miyamoto then paused and looked over what he had created, and was pleased. Soon though, things began to change. Slowly the worlds simply dulled, as if overcast by a shadow. Then the changes came. Oh, they were harmless enough at first. Some mushrooms grew as intelligent as the koopas, but they didn't cause harm. Antropomorphism struck the beasts of Andross, but it was merely amusing. The Pikmin diminished in size and split into three races, but they still controlled their planet. Even when the fish and rocks gained intelligence rivaling the Hylians, and became the Zora and Goron people, Miyamoto didn't worry. But the changes soon became sinister. The Koopa 'King' stole away the Princess. The Pikmin powers faded, allowing the beasts they once ruled to devour them. A young Gerudo man captured the Triforce and used its power to conquer Hyrule. The Darkness even crept into the mind of Andross and gave him an insatiable bloodlust. Seeing this Miyamoto tried to send the Evil away, but now even he couldn't destroy it. Fearing his death, Miyamoto ascended into his heavenly realms to seek a cure. While he was gone innocents perished in terrible numbers and the rivers ran red with blood. Miyamoto, however, returned swiftly enough, and brought with him a new deity, one with a power even Miyamoto lacked. Called Kondo, this new god struck at the fabric of time and produce a beautiful pure sound. The Darkness shuddred for a moment before continuing it's assault. Setting upon his task, Kondo conjured up scores upon scores of music. Miyamoto crafted beings from that first note to play his Life-Songs, and Kondo took his place above them. Raising his arms he began to conduct. Sound flowed from the instruments. And what a sound it was! It gave Plumbers the courage to save Princesses. It let Foxes fly. It gave Pikmin order, and even sent a Hero through Time! Wherever the Darkness showed itself, it shriveled and burned. Kondo however, is now no longer enough to hold back the onslaught. Luckily, an elite group of humans has taken it upon themselves to continue his work. These Ocremixers work around the clock to save the land from Evil time and time again.

Support this noble effort. Click the link, and make Met stop yelling at me!

Yay! an entire post without the mention of Necromancy.



Met said...

Larry's gonna love this post ;)

Reogan said...

I hope so. It took long enough to write! But it was worth it. Mostly.

Qupar said...

I only like one song on ocremix... Oh say can Yoshi!!!!


It might be good enough to support
ocremix... I don't know...

Reogan said...

Stop spacing so much.

This is about the limit. Maybe too far...

Met said...

you need diversity

Met said...

and I don't mean more spacing.

Reogan said...

And perhaps you might want to tone down the


It's barely a step above

!!!!!!! 1111!1!!!11!!!1!!1!1!ing

Reogan said...

I may have to kick you off the blog team. And now look, all the nice future people looking throught the archives will see the Great Bloggers quarreling, and that's not a pleasant thing.

Hi Future People! How did you get to my blog after I took over the world and outlawed happiness?

...And the Internet?

...And people?

Met said...

"Hi Future People! How did you get to my blog after I took over the world and outlawed happiness?
...And the Internet?
...And people?"

Hm that's odd... I'm from the future yet I'm still here. You have yet to do any of these things...

Reogan said...

The future has yet to end.

Met said...

The future ends? I wasn't aware of that.

By the way the blog could use another one of these Reogan video game posts that support OCR. You certainly do a better job of making it grand then I do. Thanks ner vod.

Reogan said...

I have nothing more to say of it. I do, however, have much to say of Humilitas, Red, and Nyoromo.