Monday, August 04, 2008


I just want to know something, what makes this guy so special? What gives him his drive, his ability to seemingly come up with thoughts from nowhere that can actually be written down onto paper, maybe I'm actually more weird then Reogan because when I think about things it all comes out as really deep feelings and it gives life a much more personal feeling for me, hard to describe in writing, Reogan could do it.


Reogan said...

I'm flattered. I just love creating new and fictional things, and inflicting them on others. I mold the Universe to my standards in whatever I write. You write in a way that communicates thought and conveys ideas more than it tells a story. Usually. Your method actually does more good for the world than I'll ever do. You should stop and see what you've done first before praising my work (Though I'm still flattered.) Go and look at your blog and scroll through the >100 posts. You speak of my drive? You wrote all that regardless of comments or lack thereof. Sure I may get thoughts from nowhere, but they lack any real substance. They're like a mist. Pleasing to view, but the slightest breath can disperse it again. You can't get anywhere chasing mist. You shape over half your posts on your faith. Being wrought from faith they bestow faith. Your ideas are everlasting while mine are fragile and weak. I think you deserve far more praise than I do. (Though I'm still flattered.

Met said...

Then why don't we both start posting about something that is actually long term and meaningful. Something that might actually make a difference in the world we live in today.

Reogan said...

I'm not sure the world could handle any differences I would cause. And we currently lack the audience to affect anything. But once we get people to come, we could begin. And I promise I'll try to keep from scaring them all away.

Met said...

It's the individual journey that counts even if it's just you and me.

Reogan said...

Whatever you say Dr. Phil O. Sophical

Met said...

I'm not joking here, take me seriously and you'll realize that.

Reogan said...

I am taking you seriously. It's just that you were very philosophical. It's a compliment. A serious compliment. You are right about what you said though.

Meta Knight said...
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Reogan said...
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Met said...

Hm, what ever became of this ner vod?

Reogan said...

I fled.