Friday, August 01, 2008

Why so Serious?

I just saw The Dark Knight and I must say I thoroughly enjoyed it. It’s a relatively straightforward movie, unless you want a hero. Batman is portrayed as a more impulsive, violent person who is bound by honor never to finish anyone off. ‘Gotham’s Hero’ Harvey Dent (Arthur's relative perhaps?) seems like a great guy until his face falls off and he starts shooting people on a coin toss. The only person who accomplishes anything is the Joker, and he kills for enjoyment. The creators left a window for a sequel, but that’s nigh impossible now with Ledger (the Joker) dead. I know that I, at least, came to see a movie about a psychotic man with knives, not a person who thinks he’s a flying mammal. How can they follow it up? With the Riddler? ‘I have you now Batman! I demand to know, what walks on four legs in the morning, two at noon and three at evening?’ Creepy… Or the Penguin! ‘I have defeated Batman! Now nothing will stop me from swimming in Gotham Harbor, eating fish, and lamenting my inability to fly!’ Yeah…no. The ending itself was heartwarming, with a hero and his girlfriend dead, Batman hated, and the Joker alive. Even so it had about three hours of explosions, schizos, and automatic weapons. Four out of Five stars. I approve. Unsurprisingly.


Met said...

I love the part where the joker is just fumbling with the button to blow up the hospital.

Reogan said...

His costume at the time adds so much to the effect.

Met said...

Now check this out, I never looked at it this way

Reogan said...

Which may equate to subliminal messaging!!! Dun Dun DUUUUUNNNNN!!!

Seriously an interesting article.

And the link wasn't direct. Try it.

Met said...

Ah, I suppose it's a little too late for me to take the time to fix it... I wish I remembered what I was referencing here.

Reogan said...

I couldn't say.