Friday, October 01, 2010


(The following conversation didn't actually exist.)

"You like to write?"

"Yeah. In fact, I blog a lot, too. I think it really helps me to keep to a regular writing schedule."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, my friends and I have this blog. Actually, it's not mine; I just write once a week. I have this column, sort of. I write short stories - really short stories - on Fridays. It's called Friday's Feature."

"Hey, today is Friday. What did you write for today?"




Sorry! Life got in the way, as well as forgetfulness. Elphaba.


Met said...

This is sort of the equivalent of CWM that I ran earlier when I barely had any ideas. Props for at least keeping it interesting, but this can't last much longer for any of us. I can't believe I was talking about quality control a few weeks ago and now everyone is struggling to get by. It's not just you; it's everyone right now. We gotta snap out of this soon.

Xanthurian said...

To Elphaba; My sentiments exactly, noting the consistency of my posts...

To Met; I totally agree, none of us are doing great with posting...

Reogan said...

I blame September. It is truly a cruel month. Now that October is come, fix it.

Xanthurian said...

We shall all try...

Reogan said...

As still we must, it seems.