1. (Sensible) Some Seabeast perished and it's corpse became bloated and mangled in the sun.
2.(Conspiracy Theorist) A Government Testing Facility released this Monstrosity to carry a super-virus to the innocent population of the earth killing off most creatures and allowing the centipedes to resume their undisputed dominion over earth.
3. (I Need Help) The Merfolk Necromancers have declared war on Humankind!!!! They have sent a bloated Hippotamerusaurite corpse as a taste of things to come. Already they prepare their Legions of the Damned to swim to war beside the Leviathan, Kraken, Nessie, and Jörmungandr. Soon the Wind-Mages will conjure Hurricanes to drown the land and pull us to our doom.
either way we're borked
Yep! The apocalypse is upon us. Perhaps it shall be Golden?
I'm a centipede and I'm not dead!
I'm a centipede I've still got my head!
Reogan you might remember what that is from... And hey! What ever happened to Champ!!! Nessie isn't the only awesome sea creature you know!!! BTW Why the Jets????????????????????? It could have been something funny like the Vikings or Bears or Dolphins or something!
It's so obvious now! The body is Champs!!! Poor, poor Champ.
I know!!! He was barely known for his greatness!
But now he will be known as one of the four sea-horsemen of the Apocalypse. He is, of course Pestilence.
I go with the first theory....
Oh, c'mon I love the 3rd option.
Really leaning towards the second myself. I'd recognize the work of Necromancers.
"Yep! The apocalypse is upon us. Perhaps it shall be Golden?"
Only with Pokemon.
Only and always.
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