Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Song of the Day 1-7 Recap

First, allow me to express my thanks to:

(Hey kids! Use whatever response suits your religion/belief best!)

A.) Our cold and impersonal universe which, though drawing ever closer to it's heat death, has...
B.) Cold and impersonal Fate which guides us to our goal, for it has...
C.) Shigeru Miyamoto, who is God incarnate in man since he...
D.) God who hath formed us from the dust, and who hath redeemed us for through his grace...
E.) The Euro, for only a standard currency can see us through economic hardships, as it has...
F.) Myself, who is Reogan, for I am all that is capable, as through my foresight I have...
G.) Odin, who sees what is to be yet is subject to Ragnarok for he has...
H.) The terrible elder god Cthulhu for he who is dead yet dreams shalt return in his hideous glory to consume all that is and unmake reality! Hail his grotesque sight, and pray for his return! Gladly we spill our blood to aid him in his coming; gladly our lives are given, for he has...

...caused me to recap the first week of Song of the Day on the day upon which Song of the Week falls. If you are offended that your belief was not included, allow me to give one more response:

I.) Other.

The beginning to Song of the Week, the 'opening theme,' if you will, was Opening Theme. It opened in what I now believe to be our hero's hometown. Our hero is not content with his life as a farmer/fisherman/accountant and dreams of the day that an adventure will come to sweep him away. He left his post as farmhand to a certain Lonely Farmer, and the Farmer was much grieved by his departure. The hero soon reaches the town of Pandora, and saves the girl Pandora from a moblin. Pandora rejoiced at the return of Pandora, and did nothing out of the ordinary, for it was not an exciting place. The people merely played Pandora's Theme, as was custom in Pandora. Pandora was dull, and Pandora more so, thus our hero left. Upon exiting Pandora, he found himself in a great field, and it is at this moment that The Journey Begins! He runs through the field, joyfully, and ascends a hill. Upon reaching the summit, he looked down and was amazed at the expansive bazaar below him. Yes, he had found The Marketplace. He ventured in and was amazed at the wares that were bought, sold, and stolen. He purchased a map from a thirty-five year old pedophile who believed himself a fairy, and followed it to a hut in a forest. The man inside used a spot of magic to play his favorite song, The Wizard's Theme, as he tended to his window garden with Reginald Squirrel IV. Our hero was instructed in where to go next, by means of vision, and off he went. Within minutes he found himself in the Overworld.

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