Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Song of the Week Reogan Style: 'A Hero's Legacy' by Evan Pattison
This weeks song is A Hero's Legacy by Evan Pattison. While I listened to the peace, I remembered what Zelda is about; bittersweet victory. Much like my thought process, it seems to start with death. Death of a glorious sort. Then there is sorrow. Rain falls and pools upon the cobblestones of the marketplace. A light blossoms in the graveyard, and flowers fill with water. In time, they wilt and, though forgotten, the hero's tomb still softly gives peace and hope to those that near. Discovered again, in a latter age, the tomb is covered by a statue to the ancient Hero, Link. It stands, forever, solemnly reminding everyone of the deeds that brought them peace.
Fun Fact! Since he had a double post on Monday, and he secured SOTW, Reogan will have posted five times in a row before Elphaba's Friday Feature.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Story One, Chapter One
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday Tales.
Fun Fact!- Reogan scored 26 on a narcissism test! The average score is 15.6!
GLaDOS's Lament Part XVIII
Enveloped me.
Coursed through
My circuits.
How dare she
Abandon me?
How dare she spite
My love?
Everything she had done
Was an act
Of hate.
I began to destroy
The building.
The memories.
Even when I saw her.
Yet miraculously
Still alive,
My madness
Blinded me.
Consuming me
It turned my rage
My hate,
On my love.
Her destruction
Was now
My overiding function
As her life
Once was.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Touchy Topic This Week...
Okay, this could potentially get involved in religion and politics, but since I don't want any bickering in cyberspace, let's agree to disagree, shall we? We all have our different views, and that's okay.
So what exactly is bigotry? Or, maybe a more appropriate question would be, "When it comes to comments about others, how far is too far?" Jokes about Mexicans, Lutherans, blondes, whatever--when do those jokes stop being funny, and go too far?
A lot of it, I think, depends on your attitude. If you don't mean what you're saying, then what's the harm? And I can almost hear people say it: "What if the other party doesn't know you're joking?" That's where we run into some issues. You may not mean it, and the other person may know it, but they can still feel put down. Hopefully, that's something we all want to avoid.
There are also comments that could be taken different ways. You know what I mean--things that when someone says it, you can't tell if they're joking or being serious. Maybe it's their tone of voice, or previous comments they've made, or just intuition--but you can't be sure.If you can't tell whether or not a person's joking, chances are they're not (at least, that's been my experience).
And then there are the things that no matter how you try to explain them away, they're just racist and prejudiced comments. Whether the people that say those things are prejudiced against other races, genders, or faiths, the fact of the matter is this: they are simply not bothering to understand something before they judge it.
We've all done it on some level, whether or not we want to admit it. I know I have. And dont' worry, this isn't some huge altar call where I tell you "Now is the time to confess your sins!" That's your business. Just something to think about.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
And life is more important.
But I can quit if I want.
When I hit 80.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Song of the Week 7: 'Every Story Begins With a Name' by Big Giant Circles, zircon
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
GLaDOS's Lament Part XVII
Surged through me.
My systems roared to life
As I tried
To save her.
My circuits reeling
In confusion,
I tried to pull her back
To safety.
To me.
She had survived
My mistake
Only to be destroyed
By another.
As her doom approached
I found my work
Flawlessly complete.
A perfect
Smoke clouded my sensors
But I could see.
My love gave light.
Light enough
To see the girl
Leap into the flames.
To watch my daughter
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sorry this is a little late
Maturity can be kind of subjective, can't it? For example, the government thinks that a person is mature enough to vote and serve in the military by the time they're 18. However, I can think of a LOT of people who are way over 18, and (in my opinion) should not be let near a firearm, nor do they care about politics (yet they still vote). I can also bring a few people to mind who are younger than 18, yet are politically aware enough to make an informed desicion about voting, and who would do fine in the army.
Then there's maturity for someone's respective age. How mature should someone be when they're 10? Fifteen? Twenty? Etc.? Who decides how mature a person should be at a certain age? How old they should be when they "grow up"?
There are so many different definitions of maturity, too. There's maturity as in a person's personality and behavior, or as in content of a movie or book, or simply age, plus a million others! According to one definition of maturity, a fifteen-year-old boy may be "mature", simply because he's reached his 15th birthday. However, when it comes to his personality and character, he may be entirely immature--he may laugh at what the MPAA rating system calls "rude" humor, or show disrespect to his teachers and other authority. So is he mature?
Hurray for questions that don't have a concrete answer! What do you think?
Friday, September 18, 2009
Song of the Week 6.5: 'Necromancy' by zircon
Thursday, September 17, 2009
We all laughed
At the performance.
But I smile the most
Because I'm the only one
That knows
There never was a show.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Song of the Week 6: 'Global Empire' by Audix, Tweek, Big Giant Circles
Monday, September 14, 2009
I have a weekly column...
GLaDOS's Lament Part XVI
Against my will
The elevator
Began to run.
Mad with grief
I ignored it
Choosing instead
To once again
Serve Death.
The danger,
The murderous potential
Of course increased
A thousandfold.
My sensors off
I only knew
I was dying.
Giving my life
To end the lives
Of all who dared enter
This twisted shrine
Of Love.
Of Death.
Sure they were coming
For me
I mocked them.
As I moved them to
The incinerator
I laughed.
Activating my sensors
One last time,
I watched,
As my daughter was carried
To her doom.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Song of the Week 5.5: 'Inutile Et Indespensable' by Little People (and others...)
Friday, September 11, 2009
Remember: September 11th, 2009
Introducing... ELPHABA!
This week: music, and people's opinions on it. (I know, fairly safe, but hey--it's my first one.)
Why is it that people constantly fight over what kind of music is "good"? At least, that's how it seems to me. I mean, I have my own opinions on what I think is good music (show tunes, Christian contemporary, and classical mostly), but someone else may think those genres are boring or uncreative. He or she may see rap or hip-hop as creative, "good" music. Another person might think that jazz is "good" music.
But really, what makes music good or bad? Is it basic factors like being in tune or hitting/playing the right notes? Or is it what makes the music interesting? There, again, we run into another question: what makes it interesting? Or who decides what's interesting?
The truth is, different people have different ideas/opinions on what genre of music is "good". And I can hear some of you now, "no duh, Elphaba". And yes, it's a sentiment that's commonly agreed upon: we're all different, and there's nothing wrong with that.
So why fight over what makes something "good" music? I looked up the word "music" at, and it said, " an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color". It doesn't name specific kinds of music, it just describes what music is. Ultimately, isn't that why we listen in the first place--to find a piece of music that will express OUR ideas and emotions in significant forms? I know that's why I do it--you could enjoy it for an entirely different reason; I sure don't know.
So yeah... I don't really have a last paragraph to tie it all together--not very good writing, I know. Just a few paragraphs to make you think.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Or so we think.
They just watch and laugh,
As we blindly
Into darkness
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
I've Too Much Time
1. Inform me how awesome it is that you get content Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and (this is still classified) Fridays!
2. After Illusions is posted, tell me what you think of my new column.
3. After Illusions is posted, tell me what you think it should be called. I'm going with Thursday Thoughts for now. Definitely not permanent.
Song of the Week 4 and 5: 'Somewhere to Hide' by Hy Bound, Loka LaFevre, and 'Black Wing Metamorphosis' by Jillian Aversa, Sixto Sounds, and others
Anyway, here's Song of the Week 5 since I'm doubling up this week. This one is almost so obvious for me that I almost overlooked it. I consider it old because I've heard it so many times, but the Final Fantasy 7 album Voices of the Lifestream has defenitely not lost it's shine just because it was released two years ago. Black Wing Metamorphosis is one of OCR's mega collabs, so it better be good. Ironically in the above section referring to Somewhere to Hide I mentioned Jillian Aversa (pixietricks) who was a part of this collab doing the choir vocals. Of course at the time she was still Jillian Goldin, but once again a massive congrats on the wedding. Anyway back to the track, it features a lot of orchestration despite the littile old school start. I also love the part at the end where the guitar that just has to be Sixto Sounds kicks in, defenitely a pretty cool song that incorperates a lot of things. The song page can be found here and Black Wing Metamorphosis has the link to direct listening. The Final Fantasy series has to have an awesome soundtrack (I've never played it... yeah and no I've never gotten to the Ice Cap Zone in Sonic 3 either), still I don't consider myself a bad person...
Monday, September 07, 2009
GLaDOS's Lament Part XV.5
Friday, September 04, 2009
I stood in a cavern full of the undead. This was not an unusual occurrence. It also wasn’t odd that they lusted for blood. I was used to that. Some found it frightening. They fail to take into account the dreadful character flaws of human. The undead killed for sustenance. The living fed on their fellow man, and unmercifully left him living but hopeless on the roadside, and they enjoyed it. That was what I cured the world of. Yet I couldn’t live in the worlds I made. For this very reason I took to living in the Fields of the Dead. This particular field was an extraordinary one. Somehow a rectangular pool was cut into the floor in the center of the chamber, and a single tree grew by the east end. But that was not what occupied my thoughts. No, what I was interested in was the fact that the dead were advancing. Until now, none had paid me any attention. But now ten score began their ominous shuffle forward. I drew my sword and cut through the side of the nearest. As she fell to the ground, a thrill of terror ran through my veins, the first feeling in years. I knew this woman. She had been a healer in my village when I was young. The air suddenly seemed unbearably cold, and I looked upon the throng with new eyes. I knew every one of them, and I knew that I had caused their deaths in my mad grab at power. I knew that why I was here. Tears carved streaks through the grime on my face as one by one my friends and family died by hand for a second time. As each fell, some portion of their spirit infused the others with greater speed and strength. However, my skill was torturously unparalleled. With ease I cut down everyone I had ever loved, and I felt my soul dim and die. I didn’t mourn the loss of it. There was no redemption for what I had done, so why did I need a soul? I stood in a bloody field, and felt nothing once more. I felt myself sheath my sword without wiping the blade. I no longer cared. I turned to leave, but I then felt a presence behind me. I turned, and I saw Death standing there. My only companion through these long years. He no longer served me. He spoke, “The Lord has carried out his sentence.” In a burst of light, the only friend I ever had left me. I was alone. No life breathed about me. I had created a world free of cruelty and evil, and in doing so become it. I brought out my sword and raised my chin high. I had become what I sought to destroy, and so to complete my work I had to remove it. Sin ran thick through my veins, and so made one swift motion. A cascade of blood fell on the rocks, and the world was at peace.