Wednesday, September 09, 2009

I've Too Much Time

In under five hours my second weekly column will debut. Your task here is threefold.

1. Inform me how awesome it is that you get content Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and (this is still classified) Fridays!

2. After Illusions is posted, tell me what you think of my new column.

3. After Illusions is posted, tell me what you think it should be called. I'm going with Thursday Thoughts for now. Definitely not permanent.


Met said...

Not bad, but I'm not sure how many comments it'll spark, but hey I sure didn't see a large amount of comments coming on void when it was first published.

Reogan said...

Well, I'm sure Elphaba will grace each one with at least one 'That's horrible!'

Elphaba said...

Ha. Ha.

Reogan said...

I'll take that as a yes.

Elphaba said...

Oh, don't worry, you're probably right. :)

Reogan said...

I usually am.

Met said...


Reogan said...

Thursday Thoughts wasn't to be permanent? That was probably a Bad Idea.

Met said...

You played things by ear and now we're here. Works for me.

Qupar said...

Haha...that rhymes.

Met said...

That was intentional.

Reogan said...

Met? You should write a sonnet. Since you're a poet and you didn't realize it.

Met said...

You'd hate my free verse.

Reogan said...

A sonnet can't be free verse. A sonnet has a strict meterical structure.

Met said...

Then I will never be able to write a sonnet.

Reogan said...

Is your life then worth living?

Met said...

Of course, I have a higher purpose.

Reogan said...


Met said...


And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
-Romans 8:28-30

That is, assuming you believe what the Bible says...

Reogan said...

You blaspheme the Necronomicon.

Met said...

Indeed I do, the Necronomicon is false!

Reogan said...


Met said...

Your myth is merely that: a myth.