Monday, September 14, 2009

I have a weekly column...

But I don't have a title for it! I really don't know what I should call my little weekly thoughts on various things... So, what do you think? I'm having a few issues being creative here...


Reogan said...

Use alliteration. For example, W word choices are; Wise Weekly Words Wicked Wonderful

For inspirationification, use literature, webcomics, and videogames. It works ;)

Met said...

Angular Analysis.

I don't know, it's really up to you, could practically write something about who the heck I am...

Just some ideas, I have a very hard time figuring this out also, so no problem. Not all of us can be spontanous genius like Reogan here.

Reogan said...

Spontaneous genius = Madness. Just FYI ;)

Elphaba said...

All good ideas. I'll have to think on that one.

Reogan said...

Wait! How about Friday's Feature?

Met said...

*narrows eyes*

Reogan said...

I know. I'm a genius.