Friday, September 04, 2009


I stood in a cavern full of the undead. This was not an unusual occurrence. It also wasn’t odd that they lusted for blood. I was used to that. Some found it frightening. They fail to take into account the dreadful character flaws of human. The undead killed for sustenance. The living fed on their fellow man, and unmercifully left him living but hopeless on the roadside, and they enjoyed it. That was what I cured the world of. Yet I couldn’t live in the worlds I made. For this very reason I took to living in the Fields of the Dead. This particular field was an extraordinary one. Somehow a rectangular pool was cut into the floor in the center of the chamber, and a single tree grew by the east end. But that was not what occupied my thoughts. No, what I was interested in was the fact that the dead were advancing. Until now, none had paid me any attention. But now ten score began their ominous shuffle forward. I drew my sword and cut through the side of the nearest. As she fell to the ground, a thrill of terror ran through my veins, the first feeling in years. I knew this woman. She had been a healer in my village when I was young. The air suddenly seemed unbearably cold, and I looked upon the throng with new eyes. I knew every one of them, and I knew that I had caused their deaths in my mad grab at power. I knew that why I was here. Tears carved streaks through the grime on my face as one by one my friends and family died by hand for a second time. As each fell, some portion of their spirit infused the others with greater speed and strength. However, my skill was torturously unparalleled. With ease I cut down everyone I had ever loved, and I felt my soul dim and die. I didn’t mourn the loss of it. There was no redemption for what I had done, so why did I need a soul? I stood in a bloody field, and felt nothing once more. I felt myself sheath my sword without wiping the blade. I no longer cared. I turned to leave, but I then felt a presence behind me. I turned, and I saw Death standing there. My only companion through these long years. He no longer served me. He spoke, “The Lord has carried out his sentence.” In a burst of light, the only friend I ever had left me. I was alone. No life breathed about me. I had created a world free of cruelty and evil, and in doing so become it. I brought out my sword and raised my chin high. I had become what I sought to destroy, and so to complete my work I had to remove it. Sin ran thick through my veins, and so made one swift motion. A cascade of blood fell on the rocks, and the world was at peace.


Elphaba said...

Very well-done, Reogan, but kind of depressing. Good writing, though!

Reogan said...

Depressing? You speak nonsense!

Elphaba said...

I could quote something from the story to prove my point, but it would take too long to pick one--there are too many! :P

Reogan said...

I win by default.

Elphaba said...

Just so you DON'T win by default, I'll give you a few examples:

"I stood in a cavern full of the undead. This was not an unusual occurrence. It also wasn’t odd that they lusted for blood. I was used to that."

"With ease I cut down everyone I had ever loved, and I felt my soul dim and die. I didn’t mourn the loss of it. There was no redemption for what I had done, so why did I need a soul?"

"I turned, and I saw Death standing there. My only companion through these long years."

And, my personal favorite:

"I had created a world free of cruelty and evil, and in doing so become it. I brought out my sword and raised my chin high. I had become what I sought to destroy, and so to complete my work I had to remove it. Sin ran thick through my veins, and so made one swift motion. A cascade of blood fell on the rocks, and the world was at peace."

*heavy sarcasm again* You're right, Reogan, that's not depressing AT ALL.

Reogan said...

Example 1 rebuttal: It's depressing that I adapted to my enviroment? Well excuuuuse me, princess.

Example 2 rebuttal: ...

Example 3 rebuttal: You have an issue with friends hanging out together?

Example 4 rebuttal: A great evil is destroyed. I find that pretty darn uplifting.

Elphaba said...

Rebuttal 1: Nothing wrong with adapting to your environment; it's just that the environment is sad--no life, bloodlust... :(

Rebuttal 2: (to quote Nelson, from "The Simpsons") Ha-ha!

Rebuttal 3: Death is not a friend. Death is a state that a living thing can change into.

Rebuttal 4: Yes, a great evil is destroyed, but by suicide & the killing of the human race, not by God coming. Which I find depressing.

Elphaba said...

Oh, and "princess"? What's that supposed to mean?

Reogan said...

Death is personified here.

Your second post wouldn't exist if you understood Zelda references.

Met said...

"Your second post wouldn't exist if you understood Zelda references."

Pwned. Just. Pwned.

Reogan said...

Thank you.

Elphaba said...

What's Zelda?

Reogan said...




Elphaba said...

You commented much the same when I asked what Stargate was. I gather I said something wrong again?

Reogan said...

Stargate, I can forgive. (Met can't).
But the goddesses Din, Farore, and Nayru will ever withhold from you Power Courage and Wisdom for your grievous crime here. The sages weep, and I with them.

Met said...

Nicely put Reogan, I'll join you in weeping. Wait I know what the situation needs! An OCR refrence... be right back.

Met said...

'nuff said.

Reogan said...



Reogan said...

Aw, ninja'd

Elphaba said...

What's so bad about OCRemix?

Reogan said...

Nothing at all. But I pretend there is ;)

Met said...


Reogan said...

Wait, why did I grant this Anti-Zelda fiend a reply?

Met said...

because it was in support of OCR... at least that's how I saw it, even though it was a question.

Elphaba said...

Because we're friends, Reogan. Besides, I don't like carrot cake, and you still talk to me (after that episode after school w/ my backpack... :P)

Reogan said...

Anyway, go look up Zeldapedia. In fact, LINK:

Study until you know the answers to all questions.


Elphaba said...

No, thank you, I'm not THAT interested. The question was just mild curiousity in the first place, that's all.

Met said...

Are you sure it's not trade and crossroads? I'm loving the refrences.

Reogan said...

Read the wiki, or I will banish you from the blog!

And Met? The answer's always Jesus. Duh.

Elphaba said...

Was that a Mrs. Ott reference? (If it was, you know who I'm talking about. If not... oh well.)

Elphaba said...

You can't banish me from the blog! We just set up a weekly post for me! >:(

Reogan said...

No, it was biblical :p

And answer me this: What is the greatest Zelda game ever? Zelda II The Adventure of Link? Or the CD-i games?

Elphaba said...

Who's supposed to answer that, me or Met?

Elphaba said...

Btw, about the Mrs. Ott reference, I was talking to Met. You know her World History catchphrase of sorts (or so I've heard), "Trade and crossroads".

Reogan said...

You. Met may not assist you. Now answer well, lest you be removed from the blog!

Elphaba said...

Wouldn't that question's answer be a matter of opinion? Since I have no opinion on the Zelda games, I can't answer.

HA! Beat you!

Reogan said...

No. There is an answer here. And only a truly wise blogger will know it. I expect an answer before this Friday.

Met said...

You do have an opinion on some level, even if you haven't realized it yet.

Reogan said...

That too.

Elphaba said...

Fine, I'll answer. Is it Zelda II The Adventure Link?

Reogan said...

Technically right, but not the best answer. You should have said 'Speak not of these cursed follies, and instead suggest Ocarina of Time, for no game in history compares!'

Anyway, you've gotta play some of these. Seriously.

Met said...

No game in history...



Reogan said...

Once you get over the graphics... yeah. It wins.

Elphaba said...

No comment. Oh, and by the way--I totally guessed. Whoo!!!

Elphaba said...

And you BETTER not kick me off the blog for that!

Reogan said...

Then you must take intensive Zelda recovery courses.


Elphaba said...

Uh, NO. I absolutely do not have time for that. I wish I could say thanks for the offer... but I'm not thankful.

Sorry, but at least I'm truthful. ;)

Reogan said...

Then you are free to leave the blog.

Elphaba said...

NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Reogan, I mean it, please don't! I am virtually getting on my knees, BEGGING--don't kick me off!!!!!!!!!!

Reogan said...

Then I propose remedial Zelda therapy. One week from now. Where we usually meet.

Elphaba said...

Can't we compromise? I remain clueless on Zelda, you don't lose an author on the blog. Deal?

Reogan said...

Therapy, next wednesday. OR ELSE!

Elphaba said...

Reogan, are you serious about kicking me off the blog?

Reogan said...


Elphaba said...

*whiny tone of voice* WHY??? How would you like it if I made the same decision regarding you and German? :P (angry person sticking his tongue out @ you.)

Reogan said...

You can't. I'm teh admin. :p

Elphaba said...

You and Met. You're not the ONLY one. Besides, that isn't the point. Would you like it or not?

Met said...

Thank you for pointing that out Elphaba.

Reogan said...

Elphie: 1. No, I'd loathe it, but the point is moot. I wield power.
2. Yes, 'tis true.

Met: I figure I could persuade you to get rid of her with the 'it's her or me' argument. We've got something in the way of a history here.

And I keep this blog backed up so if need be, I can revolt.

Qupar said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Met said...

Reogan: You revolting? That's completely out of charecter, you'd only do it in extreme circumstances.

Johann: You have a point, but keep in mind the anti video game fanatics of this world, don't use an absolute, because there's usually always someone who doesn't conform to your standards of knowledge.

Reogan said...

Johann, allow me to translate what Met said, to what he should have:

"Johann: You have a point, but keep in mind the fools of this world, don't use an absolute, because there's usually always someone who doesn't possess knowledge. At all."

Elphaba said...

Reogan: What a thing to say! Just because I have different interests...

Johann: Please name for me just one Broadway Elphaba. WE'LL see who's been living under a rock, as far as I'M concerned.

Met: Thank you very much for being understanding and tolerant.

Reogan said...

Tolerant? We tolerate anyone. Except green skinned, magical freaks, of course. But we don't have anything like that here, right? ;)

Elphaba said...

Very funny. :)

Reogan said...

Yes, yes I am.

Elphaba said...

The point is, you're forcing it on me. It should be my decision whether or not I want to find out more about Zelda, or play it. Your demanding that I do either of those things is very off-putting. NOW do you see why I'm not interested? Very few things are interesting when they're forced upon you. (At least, in my experience.)

Reogan said...

Well then...

We can figure this out as soon as someone relents.

Met said...

I'm defenitely with Elphaba on this last post of hers.

Reogan: Please knock yourself out of the trap of believing that you can control others, there's always something everyone's missing.

Reogan said...

My powers are greater than you know!

Met said...

*rolls eyes* the very fact that you said that tells me that the statement is false.

Reogan said...

We shall see.

Met said...

Indeed, we shall.

Elphaba said...

Well, Reogan, you finally got me to try Zelda. I'll ATTEMPT it this weekend, but I'm not sure how much time I'll have... But my point still remains! I am faintly curious to try it, though, just to see why you want me to so badly.

Reogan said...

Awesome, but A Link to the Past isn't nearly as good as Ocarina, but that's not portable, so... yeah.

Elphaba said...

Okay, I ATTEMPTED to play it this weekend, and I couldn't figure out how to get the stupid thing on! I couldn't find the power button--that is, I found the word "power", but no switch/button/whatever. So, I tried, but it was pretty much an epic fail.

Reogan said...

Try again.

Elphaba said...

If I have time, I'll try again tonight.

Reogan said...

You haven't gotten anywhere yet. I miss my GBA.

Elphaba said...

I hate to say it, but I kind of forgot... I'm really sorry!!!!! You'll get it back after break, I promise!

Reogan said...

You know... you could probably play through the first few dungeons now.

Qupar said...

this is very random, but i've noticed that over half of my comments have been deleted, should I stop commenting? I'm not taking offense, just want the blog to be as best as possible. :)

Reogan said...

Have they? Strange. Take no offense for you give no offense. I'll just have to see why that's happened.

Met said...

I assure you we're still looking into it...

Reogan said...

Yet more of these comments vanish as time goes by. How... unanticipated.

Met said...


Don't mention it.

Reogan said...

I won't if you won't.

Met said...

Who me?

Reogan said...

Who else?

Met said...


Reogan said...


Met said...

Who else?

Reogan said...


Met said...
