Sorry my post is a few minutes late, Forrest Gump is a longer movie than I thought it was. So I realized that pokemon look really cool when you switch their original head with a Mawile Head, so here are my first three. I plan on adding more over time.
Interesting... I agree.
I love Forrest Gump! What channel was that on? Or were you watching it on DVD/VHS?
You spelled 'Mawlie' wrong.
I was watching it on Netflix, it was pretty good, I hated the hippi girl though, she's a jerk
Ignore my comment and spell hippie wrong too, why don't you? Oh, you did.
QUPAR: Yeah, she gets better at the end, though.
REOGAN: Don't be nit-picky and antagonistic. I asked a question, and he answered it. You just pointed something out; it doesn't mean he ignored your comment.
I know he didn't ignore me, but would groveling in deference hurt? Besides, I have every right to be antagonistic to anyone whose spelling makes me suspect them of concussion and contrecoup, coupled with mild to severe mental retardation.
That's rude! It's just a typo.
Just a typo? Just the most recent typo in a line of typos that rivals the complete works of Tolkien in length.
Tolkien made a lot of typos? Shame on his editor.
No. Qupar's errors, when compiled, would form a list as long as the complete works of Tolkien.
Yes, I didn't say published. That was intentional.
Oh, got it. That dude (Tolkien) has serious diarrhea of the pen, if you get my drift. Possibly wordier than Jane Austen.
Hehehe, ADD moment!
What delicious imagery you conjure up.
Yes, really.
You thank me for calling that imagery beautiful? Odd.
You didn't call it "beautiful," you called it "delicious."
Beautiful here doesn't apply to sight.
Ew, what is that supposed to mean?
Would you please be more specific? There are several interpretations possible here...
I know.
So which one do you mean?
The seventh.
Which is...?
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