Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Pokémon: The Golden Apocalypse, Chapter Fifteen

The man began to convulse and wheeze. Red didn't know what to do. Not only was some sort of pokémon about to strike, but the man seemed to be having an attack. He glanced at the creature in the closet, then back at the man. Sputters of noise burst irregularly from the old man's mouth. Red suddenly realized what was happening.
The man was laughing.
The man made as if to speak, but the laughter precluded any conversation. Still wheezing, he walked right up to the beast, and tugged on one of its claws. Without a sound, the pokémon fell forward onto the ground.
"Haven't you ever seen a kakuna, boy?" This comment struck the man as hilarious, and he doubled over, guffawing.
Red looked at the thing's back, and saw that there was a hole near the center. The inside was dark, but enough light entered for Red to see the other side.
"It's hollow."
"Of course it's hollow, my boy. It had better be, considering I've slept in it for..." He trailed off, thoughtfully. "I suppose it's been over a decade now. To where have the days of youth flown?"
Red squatted by the shell, and examined it. "You sleep in this?"
"Safest bed I've ever had."
"Safest?" Red, looked up from the cocoon curiously. He had never thought safety was much of a concern when sleeping indoors.
"Of course! Beedrill molts are some of the hardest things in this forest. And this one," He gave it an appreciative kick, "Was certainly well hardened before it evolved."
"But why not use a bed?" Red stood now, looking the man in his sharp gray eyes.
"Well, ever since I- no. I ramble. How would you feel if we waited until we had some nice poliwag soup to talk?"
"No! I mean, sir, that Nyoromo - the poliwag - isn't for eating. He's my... helper."
"Poli!" Nyoromo wriggled in Red's grip at the mention of his name.
"Oh, why didn't you say so, boy?" The man began to push the papers back into the cabinet.
"I tried-"
"We shall have to catch breakfast then. You may assist me."
"I don't-"
"Well, let's be off. We have far too much to do, and your company, though pleasant, has simply wasted much of the time we had." The man took his staff from behind the door, and dragged a vainly protesting Red out of the house with him.


Elphaba said...

Woohoo! Updates and Nyoromo isn't going to be eaten! Love the old guy. :P

Qupar said...

guffawing, i love it, I hope he's got a Teachy TV, lol

Met said...

Very nice, keep it coming at this rate; I love it.

Reogan said...

@Elphie: Crazy old men are fun to write.

@Qupar: No. Don't even say that.

@Met: Your support maintains the Apocalypse.

Elphaba said...

You're right, crazy old men are fun to write. :P

Reogan said...

Actually, crazy people in general are.

Elphaba said...


Reogan said...

As are the undead.

Elphaba said...

Having never written about the undead, I wouldn't know. Against my better judgement, I'll take your word for it.

Reogan said...
