The ideas of the poets are the forgotten adventures of God -Elias Canetti
Sunday, March 07, 2010
Today. Today I'll make everything better. I hope. Remember, though, that no story is better than an inherently flawed story. Force me to post and I'll kill Nyoromo. I will.
No one's forcing you to post! (Especially not if Nyoromo's gonna die.) Don't worry about it.
Nyoromo is my favorite threat at this point.
You're exploiting my personality trait that is commonly referred to as "being a softie." Not nice. But it works. :P
That's what counts.
You would respond like that... *sighs, but not in a Met-like way--more in an Elphaba-like way*
Have I yet spoken of my disdain for using asterisks to write actions? No? Well I loathe it.
*smiles at Reogan's post*
*sees Elphaba's post*
*props head up and slowly shakes it at the screen*
*looks up*
What sins condemned me to this hellish realm?
*points finger directly at Reogan's heart*
What heart?
*stabs Reogan with sword*
*pulls out the sword*
*looks at the sword*
*clubs Reogan to the head with the handle of the sword*
Not the head! I keep my thinking stuff there.
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