I'm posting on a Saturday again, so you all know what that means. That's right, it's another Song of the Week .5 edition. With these .5 posts becoming more common, expect to see these each weekend (unless I run out of Met's posts to redo). Okay, so this is a redo of Song of the Week 3. Titled 'Day's End', this song is from Mario Kart 64. Sadly, I've never played the game (although I've played other various games in the Mario Kart series). I've seen Sole Signal and Tweek in a lot of the remixes I've looked at, so I expect some good stuff from them. So anyway, let's begin.
The beginning of the song sounds rather peaceful. With a calm synth playing the background, a soft, rapid, and higher synth playing for more effect, and piano starting out the melody two seconds into the song, the atmosphere already starts out great. At 0:15 there's some cymbal to transition the song. At this new section starting at 0:16, it pretty much repeats the beginning section but with some soft percussion added in. There's another cymbal roll at 0:32, which means that change is coming. After the cymbal the melody from the piano goes into a different rhythm. The pitch of the piano is much lower, and the melody overall has a much faster rhythm. This will continue until 0:48 where there's another roll from the cymbal. The section doesn't change at all afterward, but there is a slight counter-melody from some strings, as well as a new synth that has appeared. At 1:04 there's probably one of the loudest cymbal rolls I've heard thus far. This leads to a section very similar to the others, but there's something about it that makes the song work. Everything is doing its own thing, but when played together it sounds flawless. Because it's louder in volume, and because there's yet another synth added in, there's awesome atmosphere here. With another cymbal roll at 1:21, the piano melody splits and creates another. The higher pitched melody of the two is the one that stands out the most in my opinion. The two will combine at 1:30 to create a great harmony though. There's a new section that comes in at 1:39, with the piano maintaining a melody, timpani used for extra percussion effects, and other synths playing swiftly. It's even calmer than past sections. At 1:53 the section continues, but it's slightly more upbeat because of the addition of more percussion (this addition of percussion I'm describing is very similar to the one at 1:04). With another cymbal roll at 2:10, the majority of the elements in the song come to a halt. Then at 2:15, guitar starts up and the synth replaces the piano in terms of the melody. At 2:31 the cymbal comes in once again, and creates an increase in volume in the song. Now this section is a little bit different than the others. Despite the fact that the main melody and mood is the same, the percussion is slightly different. Alongside the percussion being played already, there's now a conga-like section being played. There really isn't any changes until 2:48. The section repeats itself, but it sounds more powerful when the strings come in to be the melody. The piano also plays some sort of a counter-melody also. To add more to this incredible section, there's another batch of strings added in after a cymbal roll at 3:03. The piano will change even at 3:20 (after a cymbal roll, of course); it would repeatedly play the same note over and over again. The song will die down a little at 3:37, and everything will become even more peaceful and serene. The song will start back up again at 3:42, playing something very similar to the beginning section but with a different melody rhythm. Strings are heard again at 3:55, and the song will go back into a section that I'm sure is the exact same as one of the previous sections (or similar). At 4:29, after another cymbal roll (there's so many...), the song will continue playing, but without the majority of the percussion. At 4:47 the song goes back into the beginning rhythm, and then fades away into the end.
Pros: The entire atmosphere was great. Even though there was little change in instrumentation and melody, the song did a great job in keeping my interest. Brilliant.
Cons: Not much to say here, although they could have used some other ways to transition the piece, but the cymbal rolls were starting to bug me after a while.
Overall: This is a cool piece to listen to. The peacefulness and the serenity of the entire song is great, and I highly recommend listening to it.
Rating: 9.3/10
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Song of the Week 28.5: 'Day's End' by Sole Signal, Tweek (redo)
OverClocked ReMix,
Song of the Week
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I did it. I figured out why your SotWs are so uber-ful. You draw attention to the bits I wouldn't normally hear.
Criticism. Tense irregularity near the end. Present/future/conditional.
Awesome song. Very listenable. Very fun. Very very.
Thanks Reogan. I'll take your criticism as a way to improve my posts to come. I wouldn't consider my posts "uber-ful" though...
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