Monday, February 08, 2010


Pressed for time and out of ideas, Reogan resorted to two things he had hoped never to do. The first was speaking of himself in the third person and past tense. The second, asking his audience what they wanted to see on Mondays. "What is it?" He whispered softly into the aether, tears running down his face. His fists clenched so tightly that his hands began to drip blood, that was soon lost in the rain. "What do you want from me?" He threw back his head and watched the lightning tear through the sky above. It illuminated a woman, floating next to Mother moon. She reached out her hand to Reogan, a look of pity on her face. Before he could take her hand, the winds rose, and she was blown away.

The Muse was lost.


Reogan said...

... Helpful.

Met said...

I can entirely see you doing this. I'd like to see more song of the week stuff until I can return. You help me find a lot of good stuff to listen to sometimes.

Reogan said...

I'd love to write Song of the Week, but the truth is that I don't feel comfortable with it. I write fictional tales. I find commenting on reality both difficult and painful. I don't do it well. It's your domain, and I believe we should reserve it as thus until your return.

Elphaba said...

Here's what I do when I'm trying to think up a decent plot: go to, click "Random Name Generator," and create a character and story based on the name you get! Who knows, it could work. Hope that was helpful!

Reogan said...

Now there's an interesting process. If I need to, I think I might do just that.

Elphaba said...

Thank you! :)