Sunday, February 21, 2010

Pokémon: The Golden Apocalypse, Chapter Twelve

Red didn't have a chance to speak before he an oaken staff slammed into his face from the left. "Whaddya think yer doin' in mah city, yeh lil whippersnapper?" The man took Red's neck n his feeble hands and begun to shake him about. "In mah day we had laws about trespassin' an' whatnah. Nah tha' i' stopped any of yeh trainers from waltzin' across mah property. Jus' cause I's got the only way t' Pewter don' mean I's willin' to let yeh go rippin' up mah lawn. An' now yeh' think jus' cause everyone's up an' left means yeh' can have mah city?"
"I just-" Red's words were silenced by another blow from the staff. The man took Red by the ear and began to drag him into the city. Red struggled, but when he broke free, the man tripped him with his staff, and beat him. When he was satisfied, he began to drag Red once more.
"No respect. Tha's the problem wit' yeh youngins. Yeh got no respect fer yer elders. Now back in mah day, we obeyed our elders, an' we was thrashed iffin we disobeyed. But we din't! We din't disobey, because we had respect!" Red saw a faint blue sphere waddling after them. He dared not call out to his pokémon, though, as the man seemed quite capable of bludgeoning the poor thing to death.
Still grumbling, the man pulled Red into a small house on the north side of the city. Red was pushed into a chair, while the man fumbled about a small kitchen. "Now yeh jus' wait there while I gets mah coffee, an' then we'll see about gettin' yeh yer thrashin'. He was too absorbed in his cooking to notice the poliwag tumble through the still-open door. It looked about confusedly for a minute, and then began to head to Red's captor.
"Nyoromo!" Red hissed. The man turned, holding a mug of coffee, and glaring at Red. He failed to see the pokémon at his feet.
"Noromaro? Is tha' sum kind of newfangled expletive yeh kids are sayin' now? Back in mah day, we respected our elders. It was all yessir and no sir. None of this noonamero stuff yeh kids are sayin'. Now yeh wait righ' here while I gets mah belt. Yeh've got a beatin' comin'." The man fumbled to the door, and locked it. He placed the key in his breast pocket, and trudged into a back room. The second he was out of sight, Red leapt out of his chair and grabbed his pokémon.
Nyoromo was in surprisingly good shape. He had recovered most of the weight lost from dehydration already, and his wound, uncovered at this point since the threads were water-soluble, was nearly gone. Red marveled for a second, before thinking to try the door. It was locked. He knew he'd need to fight the man to escape, which worried him, but with Nyoromo on his side he might have a chance. Just as he began to walk to the back room, the man turned the corner, holding only a large book,his coffee cup, and a pipe between his teeth.


Qupar said...


Elphaba said...

I love the way you made the old dude talk! It was great!

Met said...

When I read this I was thinking Mr. Briney meets Reogan; awesome. Now granted Mr. Briney is all the way from Hoenn, but that's like the only place I know really well so give me a break. I just thought it was a classic example of the old men in Pokemon with a Reogan Apocalypse twist.

Reogan said...

I recommend looking up Old Man (Kanto) on bulbapedia if you want context.

Met said...

Thanks; interesting... lol "In the original Japanese games, the old man is not grumpy from lack of coffee, but rather passed out, drunk. This was changed in English for obvious reasons, as this could be deemed as "unsuitable" by parent activist groups."

Reogan said...

Meh. Drunk old men are fun.

Met said...

It's those darn parents...

Reogan said...
