Friday, February 12, 2010

Love Story of Mary Albright

Mary Albright smiled instinctively as her boyfriend, Dexter Payne, sat across from her at their table.

"Hey, Mary."

"Hi, Dex!" she answered happily. Maybe tonight will finally be the night... Maybe tonight he'll finally propose! "How was your day?"

"Oh, it was fine," he replied, but didn't offer much else than that. He asked her about the kindergarteners she taught, and Mary laughed as she recounted a particularly amusing event that day. But she noticed how he kept slipping his hand into his pocket, and seemed fairly jittery about something.

"Dex?" Mary asked in a concerned tone. "Are you all right?" Is he nervous about proposing to me? Does he think I'll say no? Is he even proposing tonight? Why wouldn't he? I love him so much...

"Nothing," Dexter replied, a calm, resigned smile on his face. "What did you say Charlie did to the Legos?"

He's obviously not ready. I'll give him time--show him how much I do care. He'll pop the question when he's sure. But I won't push him.

I love him too much.


Reogan said...

I approve of the dual nature of your recent story/ies.

Elphaba said...

Thank you! :) I thought it would be interesting to see if Dexter's fears were reasonable or not. Even though they're not, I still feel bad for Dexter. :(

Reogan said...

He deserved it. You know he ran over Charlie on the way there? He's a horrible person.

Elphaba said...

Who's Charlie?

Reogan said...

How quickly you forget your own characters.

Elphaba said...

Oh yeah. Duh on my part.

Elphaba said...

...Hey, wait a minute! You can't invent stuff about my stories! Charlie is MY character, even if I did forget about him for a split second. So no, Dexter did not run over Charlie. Charlie was too busy having Legos removed from his stomach at the hospital.

Reogan said...

Fine. As long as his fate is sufficiently awful.

Elphaba said...

What is it with you and pain?

Reogan said...

Nothing. It's misery I love.

Elphaba said...

Okay, so what is it with you and misery?

Reogan said...

She simply stole away my heart when I met her.

Maybe my soul too. I'm not really sure where that went off to.

Elphaba said...

Aww, that's weirdly cute... actually, no, that's just weird. Sorry.